NP: Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere
1 Listeners Live W/ DJ AutoDJ

Difficulty (Easy)

Room Name: [CDP] Magicians Mayhem!
Room Owner: noodlesoup

Written By: Exdr / Graphics By: Anna.Marie97

Step 1

Wait patiently in the queue.

Step 2

Listen to the bot and say yes when it asks for your help to teleport into the game area.

Step 3

You now have 2 minutes to collect the following 5 items by standing next to them and saying *picks*. You must do this while avoiding collision with the moving bouncers which will spawn 10 seconds after the start of the game.

Step 4

Once you have collected the 5 items, stand in front of the stage and say done! to receive your badge and Clown Makeup.

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